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Alexander Technik



The Alexander Technique helps to change habits that cause unnecessary tension in everything you do.

As F.M Alexander described it himself, it is a psychophysical reeducation technique that allows improvement and good use of the self. It can help your own skills into any activity and as well relieve physical and mental strain. Working with a teacher, you will learn to recognize your usual reactions, maybe find out how you have been contributing to your problems, how to prevent and get an idea how to get rid of them. In an individual class, the use of hands is another observation tool that the teacher will apply to give sensory experiences and directions to the student, required to unblock unnecessary tension and shortening of the structure. As you learn to recognize your habits, then you learn as well how to stop and to choose a better response for yourself. So in a way, what the technique gives you, is as much space as you need. Gradually you learn to apply your new understanding for observation in activities and situations of everyday life and more and more into complex ones. Ever since I started to take lessons and being fascinated by it for almost 9 years now , I've been introducing the principles of AT into dancing. Right now I am in my way to become an Alexander Technique certified teacher by the Alexander Technik Verband Deutschland e.V (ATVD) which has a long of 1.600 hours of training education. For me is quite an inside-out journey and the beauty about it is that once learned, the Technique stays with you for life.

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