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by Jochen Quast


I am Gabriela Luque. I was born in the north of Argentina and started dancing in my hometown Rosario de la Frontera at the age of 5. 

 In 2011, I received a scholarship from Julio Bocca School which made me move to Buenos Aires, becoming a member of Ballet Argentino the following year and part of Proyecto Dos Company from Alejandro Ibarra and CEM from Analía Gonzalez.

I had the honor to complete my professional Contemporary dance education at San Martin Theater under the direction of Norma Binaghi and study Choreographic Composition at the National University of Arts (U.N.A).

In 2016 I became member of Cinevox Junior Company , Switzerland, under the direction of Malou Fenaroli Leclerc, followed by four years being part of the Ballet ensamble in Lüneburg Theater, Germany. 

My particular art creations and interests includes Crossover-Projects and Contemporary performances, some of which the Lüneburg audience was able to experience: "StadtRaumKlang" with the Lüneburg Symphony Orchestra in cooperation with Leuphana University, performances in the Michaelis Kirche in collaboration with the composer and Organist Daniel Stickan and Dance projects, like for example, “Die Baustelle" in Lüneburg Museum.

Curious to explore other directions I am currently doing an Education to become an Alexander Technique qualified teacher, which I consider as well a solid base and valuable resource for teaching my dance classes to people of all ages. I am currently a permanent member and Solist dancer since 2020 in Staatstheater Braunschweig under the direction of Gregor Zöllig.


about me



- Get In Touch - 

For any requests such as Dance classes, Choreography, Performance, Alexander Technique lessons or any other quandary please feel free to contact me.

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